University of Coimbra
The Surface Engineering Group of the Center for Mechanical Engineering of the University of Coimbra (SEG-CEMUC) is dedicated to the development and deployment of science-based competences in advance surface engineering within the priority research areas defined by CEMUC: Energy, Quallity of life and Improvement of the Efficiency and Lifetime of Engines and Mechanical Components. Most of the group R&D activities have been focused on the production of thin films and functional surfaces for industry. The core competencies of the group are related to but not limited to the production and deployment of thin films by deposited by Magnetron Sputtering mainly for the tooling, automotive, biomedical and energy sectors. Magnetron Sputtering has a wide variety of scientific and industrial uses, and is one of the fastest growing production processes used in modern manufacturing.
The specific research topics of the group in the last five years are listed in the following grouped according to the strategic lines:
Efficiency and Lifetime of Engines and Mechanical Components – The research in this field is focused on the development of coatings aiming to achieve the best performances in one or all of the following requirements: hard / wear resistant, low friction / self-lubrication, low / high temperatures. Quality of Life – The main fields of research in this area are: (i) Surface modification of biomedical devices, (ii) Development of novel bio-electrodes for non-invasive electrophysiological signal monitoring, (iii) Sensors for environment gases detections and (iv) Enhancing the performance of ceramic-based armour systems. Energy – Two main subjects are concerned in this field, one with alternatives sources of energy based on fuel cells and, the other, on solar energy collection based on surfaces nanostructuring.